Running with a Cold…

When I got home from Vegas, last Saturday, I came down with a really bad cold. I think it was a combination of too much partying/lack of sleep in Vegas, and coming in contact with the germs that cause the cold virus.
I feel like I am being really wimpy complaining about having a cold, I mean there are much more severe illnesses out there.  But I haven’t had a cold in a really long time, and I never remembered it being this extreme.
My throat hurt so bad that I went to the doctor thinking it was Strep. My strep test came back negative. So the doctor diagnosed me with the cold virus and sent me on my way.
For several days, I haven’t been able swallow which means no solid food for me. My nose is so congested that I am unable to breathe. With out food or oxygen, I feel low energy and lifeless.
I only took off one day of work, which made my other days insanely busy and long. On both Tuesday and Thursday I worked from 10 until 10.
The lack of food and oxygen, and then the long days at work, made it impossible to run.
When I was in Vegas, I was very worried about my Marathon training. There was no way I was going to take a week off of running and cross-training. I was really proud of myself for squeezing in the three workouts that I did. However, then I came home sick and exhausted. Everyday this week the weather was perfect, low humidity, low 80s. I so badly wanted to run, but also knew that it would be best just to rest and hydrate as much as I could. So that is what I did.
Today actually was my first day back on the trail. My first run since last Saturday morning. I did a short easy 5K. I didn’t want to over do it. I didn’t look at my watch at all. I wasn’t worried about time. I just wanted to feel good running, and although, I am still sick (its the tail end) I did feel good running.
And out of all the beautiful days we had this week, today was by far the prettiest.
66400_10101239781509966_1414965816_nRunning Professionals say you can continue to run and train with any cold that is from the neck above. If the cold spreads to the lungs or chest, it is time to take a rest day.
Questions for you…
  1. Have you run sick before?
  2. Do you have any at home remedies or tips to cure a cold?

© 2013 sweatdaily


  1. blackhuff August 12, 2013

    When I feel a cold coming on or have a cold, I take 4-5 days of rest. This is due to the fact that I know my body. I have tested my body before and know that if I don’t take off those few days, I get so sick that I need to take off a week to 10 days. So in my opinion, do whatever you know is best for your body and if you don’t know what that is, then test it.

    • dorseyml August 13, 2013

      I totally agree. I would have to say that this time around was definitely a test. I’ve discovered that if I run even though I still feel bad, my runs will be average to poor. I run because I think it is fun, it makes me feel good, so there isn’t really any point in running, if the miles end up being junk miles.