Goodbye DC, Hello Thailand

I am writing this post in the Airport waiting to board my plane. This will be a long 24 hours of travel.

Over the last week, I have had many people ask me what am I going to do for workouts while I am away for three whole weeks.

Well first of all let me just say that taking a 2-3 week break from working out and running can be healthy for an athlete who is in good shape. This rest is sometimes needed to avoid burn out. It is healthy physically and mentally.

However, emotionally, passion kicks in and you crave a good workout or run. Or if you are someone trying to loose weight taking a 2-3 week break can really hurt your weight loss progress. And for runners more than two weeks of no training can really set you back.

So before you decide to take a 2-3 week break from your workout routine on your vacation evaluate to fitness level and future goals.

What I’m going to do…


Yesterday, I worked out hard. I worked shoulders, arms, and chest. I did different circuits for each, 3 rounds, 15-20 reps of each exercise in the circuit. This was the last 3 days of the Livefit trainer. I have officially completed the Livefit trainer 2 times. The second time customizing it to my body.

As for working out I am going to enjoy my time away- so none of my workouts will be intense. However, I did bring my running shoes (newton distance u) and my garmin. I am hoping to get in some runs. It will be 80-90 degrees which will be super hot compared to our bitter cold winter we’ve been having in the USA. It will be interesting to see how fast my body can adjust to the heat. With that being said I am looking forward to getting my sweat on.

My goals are to try to run through the chaos of Bangkok. Run the mountains of Chiang Mai. I may do some barefoot beach runs. To maintaining girl muscles I will do some body weight exercises such as a variety of planks and push ups. I am also hoping to do some yoga, if possible find a class or retreat. Although, (I ended up not bringing them,) bringing a jump rope and resistant bands are easy items to pack while traveling.

So I’m off! See ya in Thailand!


Looks like someone wanted to come with me!!! xo


  1. 52milespermonth February 2, 2014

    I’m going to Vermont on a four day ski trip and Mexico for a full week… I’m panicked!!! I understand the challenge of working out when you’re away. Somehow I’ll figure it out! Enjoy your trip- my brother went to Thailand and loved it. I hear it’s a complicated place with rules example- no PDA but lady boys and sex shows everywhere.

    • dorseyml February 3, 2014

      Don’t panic. I think skiing may be enough of a workout. You can always do yoga poses and body weight exercises in your hotel room. While you are in Mexico try to get done runs in on the beach. If you go barefoot in the sand while you run you will strengthen your feet, ankles, and legs. If you haven’t run barefoot before trust me you will be sore the day after your run. Plus take this time to relax, enjoy the local food, and seasonal produce. Drinks lots if buttered water too! Thailand will be interested! I’ll keep you posted on my time here! xo

      • 52milespermonth February 3, 2014

        I hope you meant buttered and not bottled 😉 great advice! Thanks!!! Looking forward to hearing about your travels. I’m jealous!