The Athlete


Thank you, for stopping by to sweatdaily.

My name is Meghan, and I am many many things. Let me explain…

I am an overly passionate woman in her late 20’s living on the east coast, who loves to travel. (You may even see some of my travels among this blog.)

As for my day job – I am a hairstylist, however, I am also an artist and knitter. Obviously, I have a love for texture and color. (You can find my art portfolio and posts about everything I hand knit, on my tumblr blog.)

sneak peak of my hand knitted pieces from my tumblr blog.

sneak peak of my hand knitted pieces from my tumblr blog.

but now that you know a little bit about me lets get to the point of this blog… hence the name… sweat daily…

I love to SWEAT.

I sweat once a day, and you should too…

as I said before I am many things… among those things I am a RUNNER

a Marathon Runner, who is obsessed with perfecting Bikram yoga.

sweatdaily2sweatdailysweatdaily3yogaabove are just a view photos I was able to upload, for you… I hope you enjoy the collage…

but back to running…

It is funny how people grow and change. In the past, I would have never called myself, “a runner,” but now having run for five years, completing two full marathons, I have found a true love for the sport. Running is by far one of my greatest passions, and yoga helps compliment all the running I do.  It surprised me at first, but just like yoga, running relieves my stress and brings me peace.

So the reason I started this blog…

I was nervous at first to start blogging. But this blog has helped me keep all of my fitness goals and thoughts organized, while recording my progress as a runner.

I am also hoping it will keep me motivated and help INSPIRE YOU.

So lets start getting motivated by setting goals.

It takes goals to accomplish the unthinkable, and as an athlete I always try to push myself to my ultimate limit, mentally and physically. Most people don’t realize how much control they have over their physical capabilities, trust me, you would be surprised what your body can do.

So lets do it!

Be inspired

Train hard together…

Sweat daily.

© 2013


email me…



Daily Mile




