The truth about… Abs.

Update on Livefit…

Today, Friday, 2/8/13 was Phase 1, week 3, day 15 of Livefit. Finally, the first two weeks are over. The reason I am saying, finally is because in the first two weeks there are three full rest days. Although, my body was pretty sore, I don’t like resting for three straight days – I mean come on I am use to working out 5-6 days a week.  All of these rest days, made me a little worried, but I just kept telling myself, that the trainer is going to get much more intense.

To start off week 3 of the Livefit trainer.  Jamie Eason opens up with an amazing video in which she explains everything about abs.

“Abs are made in the Kitchen.”


Jamie Eason explains that abs are made in the kitchen. She says that you can do all the sit ups in the world, but with out clean eating which helps eliminate your body fat, you will never see them.

Some people have flat shallow abs, while others have really defined abs. Some people have a very defined waste, while others may be straight up and down. If you are more straight up and down, twisting exercises are ones to avoid, because they may enhance that. So when it comes to abs focus on diet and engaging core muscles while performing other exercises. Also remember your abs are the same as any other muscle group, so why treat them different? Give them a day or two of weekly training, just as you would your other muscle.

Jamie promises once you lean out in Phase 3, your abs will be revealed. It is then that you can do some ab work. She even suggests possibly doing some weighted exercises to create some density.

Although, the video was about abs, today’s work out was focused on legs. This week J and I, completed 3 sets of 10 reps of each exercise with a 1 minute rest in between each set.

As for me, I am still struggling with getting enough calories, and eating on regular intervals. This weekend I am going to spend the time preparing my meals for the week. I also need to continue to drink more water. I never thought eating enough and drinking an adequate amount of water would be such a challenge.

So again, do not forget… Abs are made in the Kitchen….


but… this looks like fun… 

Questions for You…

  1. What is your favorite ab exercise?
  2. What is your favorite muscle group to train?

pictures found on tumblr

© 2013 sweatdaily

Protein Bar Recipe

Quick update on Livefit…

Today, 2/3/13, was Phase 1, Week 2, day 10. I can’t believe how fast 10 days came and went. Remember this is the muscle building phase. No Cardio for me, which means NO RUNNING. I have missed running, but have been able to tolerate the no cardio rule, because the weather has been so cold and snowy. Anyway, I have been really enjoying the strength training exercises that Jamie Eason has mapped out for us. I have been pretty sore too, so that means I have been working hard, right? The only thing is that in these first 2 weeks there are a total of 3 consecutive rest days. This is a lot of rest days, for me, because I am use to exercising 5-6 times a week. But I know next week there will only be 2 rest days, and later in the trainer there are weeks when I will be working out 6 days a week. So I am just going to cherish this last week of that consists of three consecutive rest days. Your muscles need rest in oder to grow, so these rest days are important.

When it comes to the nutrition plan the only thing I have really struggled with is eating enough – so I am going to work on that.

On Friday, after my gym session, J and I decided to try to bake Jamie Eason’s homemade Protein Bars. This recipe fits in the”Clean Eating” category, and is actually pretty easy to accomplish.

Chocolate Protein Bars

  • 96 calories
  • 1.4 grams fat
  • 12 grams carbs
  • 10 grams protein


  • 1 cup oat flour
  • 2 scoops vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp  baking cocoa
  • 4 egg whites
  • 8 oz berry flavor baby food, or apple sauce
  • 4 oz water
  • sugar: (splenda, stevia, sugar- which ever one you desire)


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Mix all dry ingredients: 1 cup oat flour, 2 scoops vanilla protein powder, baking soda, salt, cocoa.
  • Mix all wet ingredients: egg whites apple sauce.
  • Add sugar, (in this recipe I used stevia) to the wet ingredients.
  • Combine all ingredient together in a big mixing bowl, add water.
  • Pour mixed ingredients into a class baking pan.
  • Bake for 25 minutes.
  • Eat and enjoy

All of the ingredients I used were all natural, and organic.

Dry Ingredients

Dry Ingredients

The bars fresh out of the oven. Tasted like a brownie. YUM!

The bars fresh out of the oven. Tasted like a brownie. YUM!

It is best to cook or bake your own meals/snacks because you know exactly what ingredients are used. You should try these bars! They are easy to make, and will be an awesome snack post work out.

Click here, if you want to watch a video of Jamie Eason making these protein bars.

Questions for You…

  1. What is your favorite protein bar?
  2. Have you ever made your own?

© 2013 sweatdaily


Livefit. Phase 1. Day 1 and 2

I have been wanting to weight train for some time now, but my love for running and yoga has over powered my small yearning to weight train. I also have been consistently training for a race of 10 miles or more, so I have felt it was my obligation to run. But I now have the time to switch it up a bit, so I have decided to start the Livefit Trainer.

The Livefit trainer is by fitness model, Jamie Eason. It is a 12 week program, which is a total of 84 days. I will be doing this program with my younger sister, J, –  (not, E, the sister I run with.)

Why are we doing this program? Well that is simple, we both love a fun challenge! J wants to do the Livefit trainer to begin a healthy lifestyle. And although, it has only been 2 days into the program, she has already learned a ton about clean eating and supplementation. The reason I decided on the Livefit trainer, is because I want to build my strength. Being stronger will help me run further and faster. More muscle will help me perfect my natural running form, ultimately improving me as a runner/athlete, and helping me prevent injury. I also love the idea of sculpting my body. Most people don’t realize how much control they have over their physical capabilities.

So lets talk about Phase 1 of the Livefit trainer…

Phase 1 is our building phase. For the next 4 weeks, Jamie Eason wants us to eliminate cardio from our daily fitness routine. This means no running. Unfortunately, you know I can’t go 4 weeks with out running. So I might be running a little here and there. But I will not to run everyday. I will not run on the days I lift, and I am planning on significantly cutting back on running during this phase- it is only 4 weeks.  J, on the other hand, will not be running at all. She is going to be following the exact plan.

The reason why Jamie doesn’t want us to do cardio is because cardio slims out muscle mass, and phase 1 is all about building,

So what does building mean? We will be doing weight training, eating clean, and taking supplements in order to build muscle. Week 1 and 2 we will be weight training 4 days a week, and resting 3 days. It is important to have rest days because your muscles grow while they rest. Week 3 and 4 we will be weight training 5 days a week, and resting 2 days.

Phase 1 is about building which also means we are working on getting our metabolism fired up. Some people yo/yo diet – which slows down the metabolism. Most women eat too few calories – which slows down the metabolism. So along with a work out plan – which has pictures, videos, and written instruction of how to do each work out/ lift each weight. Jamie also has video explanation about clean eating and a written out meal plan. In this phase we will not be counting calories, but rather eating ever three hours, which adds up to 5-6 small balanced “clean” meals a day.

So here is the run down…

We will be waking up and eating a “clean” breakfast with in an hour of waking – this will help start the metabolism. At breakfast, we will take a Multi Vitamin and an Omega 3. I like to alternate everyday between a flaxseed oil and a low mercury Fish oil. Before we hit the weights we will take a BCAA. And always remember never strength train on an empty stomach. After the work out, which should last about 1 hour, we have a 30 minute window in which our newly born muscles will take in protein. So we will then be drinking a protein shake with glutamine.

When it comes to protein powder, I am obsessed with Vega Sport. The protein does not contain soy or whey. The guy who created it is an endurance athlete who does Iron Mans, and he is vegan. Glutamine helps with muscle recovery. With this protein shake we will also be taking another BCAA. BCAA stands for Branch Chained Amino Acids. This helps support new lean muscle growth and reduces muscle breakdown. I also want to point out that in a hurry you can make a protein shake with glutamine and water. But I am going to rush home from the gym, so I can use my blender and juicer. I want my protein shake to include kale, beets, and other veggies if possible.

For the rest of the day, we will be eating clean organic whole foods every three hours. Jamie recommends setting a timer, for consistency is key. On the three hour mark, she wants us to eat small well balanced meals. So this means the meals will consist of a protein, complex carb, and unlimited vegetables. I have heard some reviews on this meal plan from vegetarian and vegans, who have said it is impossible to follow because it is so high in protein. I want my vegetarian and vegan friends and followers, to stop thinking, protein as an animal. Protein is protein, and there is tons of plant based protein options. An example of a small meal/snack would be veggies and hummus or apple/celery with peanut butter.  I truly feel since May I have been really good about eating clean organic whole foods. And although I am following Livefit, I am still going to cook my favorite vegan and vegetarian meals. Any fish/eggs/dairy I eat will be organic and local.

Along with eating clean, we will be drinking tons of water. When lifting weights you create toxins, such as lactic acid, so because of this we will be flushing our systems constantly with water. In order to discover how much water you should consume, take your body weight divide it in half and take that number and convert it to ounces. That number is how many ounces of water you need a day. Tea and coffee is also good beverages to consume because they are metabolism stimulaters.



Day 1 and 2 Breakfast205631_10100942305379516_269830507_n

Day 1 – Friday, 1/25/13


Day 1 was Chest and Tricep day. Above are examples of a few of the exercise we did. We did 3 sets of 12 at 60% effort weight wise. Later in the program we will be using 100% effort working with max weight.

Day 2 – Saturday, 1/26/13


Day 2 was Back and Biceps day. Again 3 sets of 12 at 60% effort weight wise. Later in the program we will be using 100% effort working with max weight.


After we worked out, I took J, over to MOM’s organic market. On her first trip there, she immediately fell in love- I knew she would.  She stocked up her fridge with healthy organic whole foods, and prepared meals for the next couple of days.

I went home and cooked a vegan Eggplant dish.


Although, it has only been two day in, so far I am loving Livefit. Phase 1 makes total since. Eating clean on regular 3 hour intervals will spark the metabolism. Protein shakes/supplements along with lifting will build muscle. Muscle will burn fat. This is true. End of story.
Tomorrow is day 3, and it is legs and calves – my favorite! I love working out my lower body. Can’t wait for tomorrow!
Oh and btw… I am sooo sore, but it is a good feeling!
Questions for You...
  1. Have you started the Livefit trainer?
  2. What is your favorite body part to train?
  3. Any good recipes for protein shakes?

© 2013 sweatdaily

Half Marathon Training: Weather can make or break a long run!

WEATHER can make or break a long run.

Newtons and Camelbak. You guessed it- its long run time!

Yesterday, I went on a 10 mile run with L. It was a really good long run. I never thought weather would effect me so much, but ever since I started running five years ago I remember how cold past winters have been and when we have had a heat wave summer. As for yesterday morning… it was sunny and around 50 degrees, perfect running weather. It is officially time to swap out my running shorts for running pants and tanks for long sleeve shirts.

Yesterday, I ran in my adidas running capris and my brooks MCM long sleeve running shirt, (no lululemon- shocking I know)  but I felt perfect, never too hot, never too cold.


I remember telling L that I thought this was going to be a really good run… so mentally I was in the zone. Have you ever tried that before? In the beginning, of your next run, just say it out loud, “This is going to be a good run, I can feel it.” Trust me, by saying positive words like this, you are setting yourself up mentally for a really great run.


Running can be the most simple minimalist sport ever. You can do it anywhere and all you need is a really good pair of shoes – or according to some runners, shoes aren’t even necessary. But when it comes to a run longer than eight miles I always bring my stuff. For this 10 miler, I was prepared in many ways . As I said above, I was dressed appropriately, and mentally set myself up for a success. Along with both of those things, I also had my Camelbak filled with two liters of water, my Jelly Belly Sports beans ( for fuel,) my iPod, my Garmin, keys, phone, money, and pepper spray.  I was ready and feeling good.


So L and I hit the MVT trail and headed south towards Old Town.  Because it was around 9:00 am, the trail was pretty empty, only a few walkers.  This was very relaxing, and heading towards Old Town is always very pretty, right along the Potomac. I was trying to run between a 9:30 – 9:00 minute mile for the first half hoping I could run the second half faster. I was sipping water every two miles, and fueled up with sports beans twice, once at mile 4, a second time at mile 8.

The first half felt really good. I did have to stop two times to make sure L, who was right behind me, knew her way. We made it to Old Town and then turned back. On the way back, I felt really good, except for around mile 8, I really started to feel the ground in my Newtons. I believe this feeling is just a friction feeling of sweat, skin, and the ground all mingling. This sensation made it harder for me to maintain anything faster than a 9 minute mile, so I kept my pace at around 9:15. L and I ended up finishing in 1:40, and we both felt like we could have kept going farther – which I am pleased with.


I am following the Hal Higdon Intermediate Half Marathon Plan. I love Hal. I was fortunate to meet him at the Chicago Marathon Expo! Although, I have never followed a plan for a half marathon, I have followed Hal’s plans for my marathon training and felt successful. So hopefully his half marathon plan will also bring me success. This week’s long run is a 15k, but depending on how I feel I might just do another 10 miler.

The plan also includes shorter daily runs, speed work, and strength training. Durning my shorter training runs I am trying to run between a 8:30 and 9:00 minute mile. As for speed work, I might actually do some drills on the treadmill at the gym- even though I hate the treadmill.


Yesterday, after my 10 miler, I did some strength training. Because I have changed my stride to a more natural running stride, it is very important for me to strength train. I have to mainly focus on my upper body and core.

I did all my strength training using a stability ball, which works abs as long as shoulders and back. I also used dumbbells, and kettle bell.

seated dumbbells lateral raises – 3 sets (10 reps) 5 lb dumbbells

seated arnold press –  3 sets (10 reps) 5 lb dumbbells

seated dumbbell rear deltoid raises – 3 sets (10 reps) 5 lb dumbbells

seated dumbbell front raise – 3 sets (10 reps) 5 lb dumbbells – this was my favorite one and this one intensely works your abs.

seated dumbbell press – 3 sets (10 reps) 5 lb dumbbells

seated alternate dumbbell press – 3 sets (10 reps) 5 lb dumbbells – for a more advanced move try this with one leg crossed over the other.

weighted crunch on stability ball – 3 sets (10 reps) 5 lb dumbbells

plank on forearms while balancing on the stability ball – 3 sets 1 minute each

wide leg squat – 3 sets(10 reps) 25 lb kettle bell

stability ball squat – 3 sets (10 reps) 5 lb dumbbells

All of these work outs I found in Oxygen Magazine

In the end, I was really happy with my 10 mile run and my strength training. I still need to pick the pace up and work on cadence, but besides that I am feeling pretty confident and excited about my half marathon scheduled for December 1st. Although, I have done four ten mile races since April, I never felt like I was running far or training for a long distance race. For some reason this felt like a long run for me. So let me tell ya- it feels really good to run long and hard again. I really missed going the distance. I need to continue to make time, at least once a week, to run long and hard.

Questions for You

  1. Do you bring pepper spray with you when you do a long run?
  2. How do you mentally get in the zone?

© 2012 sweatdaily