Sharing is Caring.


Unfortunately, I didn’t get to try boxing yesterday. L, bailed on me last minute, because of a family emergency. I know that sounds like a big fat excuse, and yes I could have gone with out her, however, the experience wouldn’t have been the same. She is the one that has been nagging me to try it, so I will wait until we can find time to go together.

So instead of boxing, I went running. And running never disappoints me. The weather was cool, crisp, and sunny – a beautiful fall day.  I parked my car five minutes away, in my old neighborhood, the hood I grew up in. I ran from my mom’s house to the airport and back, an easy 4 mile loop.

The only thing about my run that was a little bit annoying was the Susan G. Komen 3 day Breast Cancer Walk.

Let me start out with… I totally support the Susan G. Komen 3 day Breast Cancer WalkIt is a great way to raise money for a good cause. It is great to get a group together that are all passionate about the same thing, and support each other’s stories and experiences. But… please share the trail.

My run ended up being a little bit difficult because there were about 100 plus  people dressed up in pink and tutu’s for the Susan G. Komen 3 day Breast Cancer Walk, walking slowly, chatting up a storm, taking up both sides of the trail. At one point I was running by the side of the trail in the grass, just to get around them. The other time I had to pass 20 people on the far left side. I bet the cyclists were even more pissed, most of them clipped into their bikes. I feel bad complaining about this, but I just think it was a safety hazard, and thank goodness there were no accidents.

Next time the Susan G. Komen 3 day Breast Cancer Walk, walks on the trail, someone needs to inform them of the rules and  how to be safe on the trail. If I was in charge, I would simply say no one is allowed to walk left of the yellow line. And everyone is required to walk in a single file line as far right as they can, leaving space for runners and cyclists. Because let me tell ya, the cyclists on the trail, go super fast.  The commuters have meetings to get to. And the road bikes all think they are Lance Armstrong. Trust me, I know, because if I am not running, I am on my road bike.

So there you have it, I want to end this post with a big shout out!

Good Luck to everyone participating in the Susan G. Komen 3 day Breast Cancer Walk!

found on photo on site.

© 2012

I think I need a Punching Bag.

Lately, L has been trying to convince me to come along with her to one of her boxing classes.  Although, we both run daily, and practice Bikram yoga, I have been longing for some sort of strength training. Strength training is very important especially for runners. It help enhance correct running form. It helps make one faster. But most importantly it helps prevent injury. A stronger, faster, injury free runner is always my ultimate goal.

Guess who also does Boxing?








The Victoria’s Secret, Adriana Lima, keeps her amazing body toned by Boxing. I don’t know about you but knowing this is very inspiring to me. It also is pretty bad ass. So on Friday I am planning on going to my first boxing class.

Questions for You

  1. Have you tried boxing?
  2. What do you do for strength training?

© 2012

(None of the photos are mine. All photos were found online.)

108 beads.


From an early age I was always drawn to prayer beads. I found them beautiful, and comforting. However, the rosary was the type I was most familiar with. I grew up attending Catholic school, with a rosary always wrapped around my wrist.

My first encounter of Mala beads was in 2008, when I was traveling through, Greece and Turkey, but at the time I had no idea that these strands of beads were Mala beads. However, along with the evil eye and pashminas, the Mala beads were at every street vendor cart.

A year or two later, I began to read the ever so popular book, Eat Pray Love. The author Elizabeth Gilbert, wrote this book in order to find balance and discover her ultimate identity. She wrote the book in the creative form of a strand of Mala beads.

In her introduction she explains everything. The traditional Malas has 108 beads. 108 is the perfect three digit number multiple by three. Adding up to nine, which 3 x 3 = 9. And for anyone who ever studied the Holy Trinity, three is the number representing balance. So therefore, Elizabeth Gilbert told 108 tales divided into 3 sections, Italy, India, and Indonesia. (I highly recommend this book.)

The point of the beads is to keep the attention of the person during prayer. One bead is touched for each Mantra. It helps one stay focussed during meditation. Mala beads have been used for centuries and actually helped inspire the creation of of the Holy Rosary.

Although, I am Catholic, and still have a passion for praying the Rosary, I also love practicing Yoga. I have been practicing Bikram yoga for four years now. Bikram yoga is hatha yoga practiced in a room that is 105 degrees. Yoga for me started out as an intense detoxifying workout.  However, now I also enjoy the restorative spiritual side of yoga as well.

Being Catholic, I have always found the Holy Rosary beautiful, but it is for prayer and not a fashion statement. It actually is sacrilegious to wear around the neck. However, Elizabeth Gilbert, says in her book, that when she traveled through India especially through holy sites or Ashrams she saw a lot of people wearing Mala beads around their necks.  I like the idea of wearing these beads around my neck. I also like the idea of protection and the energy each strand of beads can give, depending on their color or what they are made out of.

With that said, I pray on my Rosary, but I wear my Mala. And I wanted to share with you this company I fell in love with. Last year I discovered, Tiny Devotions, and they make the most beautiful Mala beads.

The founder of Tiny Devotions, Diana Charabin, has an interesting story. She was introduced to Mala beads at her first yoga class.  Soon after she too read Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, Eat Pray Love.  After finishing Law School, she had this deep desire to be in Bali, so that is where she went, leaving behind everything in Australia. When she arrived to Bali she participated in yoga teacher training. After she completed her training she found herself longing to be creative. She began to collect the rudraksha seeds of Bali and began to make Mala beads.

Later she headed back to Canada to continue her career in Law. But still wanting to follow her calling to inspire others she decided to yet again leave Law, and start Tiny Devotions, her company where she can make and sell her Mala beads and other yoga inspired jewelry.

One of my favorite parts about Diana’s beautiful Mala beads from Tiny Devotions, is that along with the sacred rudraksha seeds she also includes a crystal stone, or semi precious gems of some sort. This gives each strand of beads a unique personality and an energetic quality.  Watch Diana Charabin tell her Story here.

I own three different strands of Mala beads from Tiny Devotions. Today I wore my Marathon Mala to work.

At work.

Marathon Mala, by Tiny Devotions.

Even some celebrities like Megan Fox, are wearing these beautiful Mala’s.

Photo found on Capricious Yogi.

Bottom line- Tiny Devotions has the most beautiful Mala beads. This company is awesome, beautiful, creative, and inspiring.

© 2012

October Goals

This morning I woke up to rain. Normally, I love running in the rain, but this morning the sky was gray and the rain was slow but heavy. So I decided to skip my morning run, and get a little extra shut eye. And as long as skipping a workout only occurs at irregular intervals and doesn’t become an everyday excuse, then go right ahead, take a rest day. Sometimes, your body just needs it.

Anyway, yesterday, I said goodbye to September and welcomed October.  It is a new month, a new beginning. It is a perfect time to set some new goals. As you may know, I had started my journey of exploring a more forefoot/midfoot stride in April, by switching my running shoe to the Newton Distance U.

I have never had any running injuries, so when I told people, I was experimenting with the Newton shoe, and working on changing my stride, they asked, “Why? Why fix something that is not broken?” Honestly, I was just bored and wanted to try something new. I had read Born to Run, and was ready to try to work on running form.

In the beginning of September I purchased my second pair of Newton shoes, and I am now running more regularly in the Gravity. On my vacation, at Martha’s Vineyard, I finally had the opportunity to finish reading the book, Natural Running. This book made me even more sold on the idea that a more minimalist shoe is the way to go.

And then in mid September, it just clicked.  I had a break through and I started to run with a natural running stride, landing on my forefoot/midfoot.


I want to continue practicing my natural running stride by continuing to land on my forefoot/midfoot.

  • However, I really need to work on running posture. I tend to lean back when I run. So I need to work on slightly leaning forward. Leaning back when you run is a stopping/halting position. You will most likely heel strike when leaning back. It is important to slightly lean forward, because the momentum will automatically help you land on your forefoot/midfooot, and make you a faster runner.
  • Cadence. Cadence is how many times your foot hits the ground per minute. It is very important to get your running Cadence around 180 or more. A Cadence of 180 helps prevent injury and increases speed. Mine is all over the place. My garmin measured mine around 100, once at 120, and then 160. But this month, I really want to work on trying to get my running Cadence around 180. It will really help improve my running.
  • I am also thinking about playing around with shoe rotation. Instead of just throwing on one pair of shoes. I want to wear the right one depending on the type of running I am doing.
  • This month, I also really want to work on strength training, whether I am boxing, lifting weights, or just doing running form exercises. Now that I am running differently I need to strengthen everything.
  • In order to fit all this in, I also want to change my sleeping habits so I can wake up earlier. I’m hoping to wake up at 6:00 am instead of 8:00 am. I love my mornings.
  • As for Attitude, I am really going to focus on me, and my running PR.

As for October plans, I really don’t have any except some upcoming races. In October, I am running the Army 10 miler, and then in December I am running the Annapolis Half Marathon. Do you have any up coming races?

Have you ever completed a 30 day challenge in something? It has been a goal I have been contemplating on trying to set.  I have been thinking about a …

  • 30 day running challenge
  • 30 day blogging challenge
  • 30 day sleeping challenge

I’ll let you know if I decide on one for the month of October.

Well those are my October Goals… What are yours?

© 2012

Hello October

October… please be awesome!  I am really excited for October! It is funny how much my mood has changed now that the weather has become cooler.  I am a strong believer in the idea that, You CAN totally teach an old dog, new tricks… and people are totally capable of growth and change. Boy have things changed.

I use to love the summer, but honestly ever since I have became an adult, summer is just no longer that much fun. If you can’t skip work everyday and go to the beach or pool, then summer really has no point. Or maybe it is not that at all, maybe it is the fact that I am a runner who hates training through a summer heat wave.  Well whatever the reason is, I am excited for October and for Fall time.

For those of you that are sad summer is gone.  Let me tell you all the amazing things Fall has. Fall time is my favorite time to run. It is always sunny, for some reason a different type of sunny then summer sunny, the sun is brighter. The temperatures are cool, refreshing, crisp, sometimes breezy, the ideal for running. The leaves change making the running trails more colorful … or hiking trails.

I also start to crave Bikram yoga. Who wants to be cooped up in a Bikram studio in the summer when the room is as hot as outside? Doing Bikram in the summer, suffocates me. But during the cooler months I crave the desire to sweat and detox in the 105 degree room. During the cooler months Bikram relaxes and energizes me all at once.

Fall leaves, beautiful, peaceful.

Another thing that is better in the fall, are Lattes. Chai or pumpkin spice is always available, and warms you up on a cold morning. The fruits and vegetables are more substantial. They fill you up. They are your typical comfort food, feeding the soul.

Fashion is way more fun too. Time to bring out your favorite sweater or hand knitted accessories. Time to bring out your favorite boots or lounge around in your UGGS.

Reading books wrapped up in the a cozy blanket. Watching a new fall drama. Going to the movies. These are all some of my favorite things to do in the fall.

So start getting excited! Fall is finally here!

Happy October! 

Goodbye September

September flew right on by…
It is hard to believe it will be October 1st tomorrow. Looking back on September, I started the month with my new Newton running shoe, switching from my Distance U to the Gravity. Meanwhile, I traveled up to Martha’s Vineyard and ran through out the Island, running comfortably along the coast.

The minute I came home, I went running with Lina, and had a BREAK TROUGH! I finally found my natural barefoot running stride. One day it just clicked, and I stopped heel striking and over pronating, and just stayed balanced. I started landing on my midfoot/forefoot and began to have a neutral stride.

Lina and I also had an amazing 10.5 mile run, giving us the opportunity to practice more midfoot/forefoot form while exploring the south side of the Mount Vernon Trail. We also created a new 5 mile loop through my neighborhood that includes running on a trail and then running through a country club, that according to Lina has some “bitch” hills.

As for non running stuff, I do have a life besides running. I went to New York City. I saw two comedy shows. My aunt came to visit twice. After 3 months of waiting, I finally received my custom made sectional couch from Ethan Allen. (No more sitting on the floor for me.)

So that is a recap of September. I can’t wait for October! Fall is my favorite – it has been absolutely gorgeous out.

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