Our love story

Our love story…

Today, exactly 1 year ago, I got married to the best man I know.

Looking back on our wedding photos, the memories and special moments are as vivid and clear, as if our wedding festivities took place only yesterday.

It really is hard to believe that one year has already come and gone.

What everyone says about weddings is true…

People say, “I want a marriage more beautiful than my wedding.”

And this is true… but it was important to me, to have a wedding, to celebrate and share, the love Erik and I have, with our closest family and friends.

Our wedding day was the best day ever.

It was exactly the way I imagined it to be and so much more.

The romantic affair took place on my Aunt Nina’s rustic California Ranch. It was small, personal, charming, and intimate.

These words describe our wedding perfectly.  But honestly, there are no words big enough, or beautiful enough, to define our marriage.

All I know is sharing a life with him fills me with joy and because of him, I now know what love is.


There is nothing that I wouldn’t do. 

I’d go to the ends of the Earth for you,

To make you feel my love.

Happy One Year Anniversary, Erik!

*Can’t wait for the many more years, the best is yet to come.*

© 2015 sweat1xdaily