my first HAIR FACT FRIDAY post.

HAIR FACT: Your fashion magazine is lying to you…

sooo many lies… that I can’t stand to read them anymore.

The other day, my co-worker and I started talking about how much false information is exposed in the pages of some of the most popular highly respected, fashion magazines.

In one of them, there was an article about how one can cut costs on a hair cut. They advised the reader to go to a more expensive senior stylist to get the hair cut of their dreams. But then to save money, go to a cheaper junior stylist, and tell them to just trim following the lines of the cut they already had.

Let me tell you why this does not work. 

First of all let me make this very clear, we are talking about HAIR SALONS, not barber shops, hair cuttery, super clips or anything like that.

So lets get started…

You may be asking what is a senior stylist? A senior stylist is one that has been in the hair industry for a very long time. A senior stylist has years and years of experience, some 30 years or longer.

A junior stylist may be younger and definitely does not have as many years of experience as a senior, but many younger stylists are eager to travel to hair shows and classes. They are the ones that are always determined to know what’s new and hot, always trying to keep up with the trends.

Both are great, professionals!

So back to the magazine article…

If you go to one stylist to get your first hair cut and then go to another stylist to just follow the original cut, it is insulting and impossible. It is insulting because everyone cuts differently, whether it is a senior stylist or a junior stylist, we all have our own creative touch, so please don’t tell us to cut like someone else. Also, we don’t all use the same brand of tools, or products, which is also a major factor.

Also if you have waited more than 4 weeks to get a hair cut it is almost impossible to see what your previous cut is. Hair grows differently depending on your natural hair patterns and hair-line. Also hair is different depending on the seasons. One hair cut that worked amazing for you, in the summer humidity, may not look the same in the dry winter, especially for those that have curls. Another thing to consider is breakage – certain parts of your hair may not grow as fast or may not grow at all, because of breakage. Another factor, to consider is your hair goes through changes, hormones, new medications , etc. can change hair. Your hair may have been at a different state when you got your previous hair cut.  So as you can see, it is not as simple as the fashion magazine claims it to be.

My advice to you is to find a hair stylist you love, who can give your your dream hair cut in any season, and stay loyal to her. The better your stylist knows you, the easier it is for her to cut and color your hair. The more your stylist sees you, the more familiar she becomes with your hair and life style. The more you see your stylist the easier it is to speak the same language. The longer you see your stylist the more life changes she gets to experience with you… weddings, baby, etc. When life changes, hair changes.

When it comes to fashion magazines, hair stylists are not writing articles on hair,  journalists are… and when it comes to advising you on products to purchase, they are just advertising for the products that pay them to- so when in doubt ask your hair stylist.

Bottom line, for your best hair days, stay loyal to your hair stylist and use fashion magazines to seek inspiration not information.

Stay loyal to your hair stylist and  I promise you…


To all my very loyal clients. Thank You!

© 2013 sweatdaily

Hair Fact Friday!

As you all may know, besides being a clean eating, marathon running, fitness addict, I am also a licensed hair stylist by profession.

I have always had the desire to write about hair. But I have avoided the idea because I wanted to keep my blog strictly about nutrition and fitness. And although this blog will be mostly about running, nutrition, and fitness. I can’t fight the urge any longer. I am beyond annoyed, I am fed up. I have to share my hair knowledge with you, because there is way too much false info out there.

I love you, and you more than anyone deserve to know the truth. So for now on I will be writing one hair post a week, on this blog, to expose hair lies and clear up any confusion you may have about your hair. My hair posts will be uploaded on Friday, and it will be called Hair Fact Friday!

I hope you enjoy these Hair Fact Friday posts… and feel free to personally e-mail me at if you have any hair questions you would like me to address on the blog or comment below.

© 2013 sweatdaily

Running in Humidity

Of corse the minute I start comparing dry heat to humidity I end up seeing a fabulous article about it in the August issue of Runner’s World. This article has some very interesting facts about running in humidity. Here’s some of the things I found most fascinating…


  • The higher amount of moisture there is in the air the hotter it feels.
  • When you run your body temperature rises it becomes hotter and creates sweat. Sweating is the process when your body carries excess heat to your skins surface. In dry heat this sweat evaporates cooling your over all body temperature. In humid conditions this sweat is unable to evaporate, instead it lingers there, and making you hotter.
  • While running your body temperature can spike in minutes. This causes dehydration. When dehydrated your body goes into survival mode maintaining blood flow to essential organs.
  • Breathing can change.
  • Heart rate will escalate.
  • You may loose control over body mechanics. (Hands may shake, running form may become sloppy.)
  • Mental abilities my start to break down causing dizziness and you may become disoriented.
  • Don’t worry about pace. Your speed is guaranteed to decrease.
  • A humid day does not indicate a lack of fitness or mental toughness.
  • There are different types of sweat. Some people are sweat more salt. For the people who sweat more salt, they are more common to have stomach cramps. It is very important for these types of people to consume more electrolytes.
  • It normally takes 10-14 days to get adjusted to running in humid conditions. Those that are use to humidity run better in it.


  • Hydrate
  • Eat salty foods. Salt helps retain water.
  • Don’t wear a hat. The hat will prevent your body heat from escaping your head.

© 2013 sweatdaily