Goodbye DC, Hello Thailand

I am writing this post in the Airport waiting to board my plane. This will be a long 24 hours of travel.

Over the last week, I have had many people ask me what am I going to do for workouts while I am away for three whole weeks.

Well first of all let me just say that taking a 2-3 week break from working out and running can be healthy for an athlete who is in good shape. This rest is sometimes needed to avoid burn out. It is healthy physically and mentally.

However, emotionally, passion kicks in and you crave a good workout or run. Or if you are someone trying to loose weight taking a 2-3 week break can really hurt your weight loss progress. And for runners more than two weeks of no training can really set you back.

So before you decide to take a 2-3 week break from your workout routine on your vacation evaluate to fitness level and future goals.

What I’m going to do…


Yesterday, I worked out hard. I worked shoulders, arms, and chest. I did different circuits for each, 3 rounds, 15-20 reps of each exercise in the circuit. This was the last 3 days of the Livefit trainer. I have officially completed the Livefit trainer 2 times. The second time customizing it to my body.

As for working out I am going to enjoy my time away- so none of my workouts will be intense. However, I did bring my running shoes (newton distance u) and my garmin. I am hoping to get in some runs. It will be 80-90 degrees which will be super hot compared to our bitter cold winter we’ve been having in the USA. It will be interesting to see how fast my body can adjust to the heat. With that being said I am looking forward to getting my sweat on.

My goals are to try to run through the chaos of Bangkok. Run the mountains of Chiang Mai. I may do some barefoot beach runs. To maintaining girl muscles I will do some body weight exercises such as a variety of planks and push ups. I am also hoping to do some yoga, if possible find a class or retreat. Although, (I ended up not bringing them,) bringing a jump rope and resistant bands are easy items to pack while traveling.

So I’m off! See ya in Thailand!


Looks like someone wanted to come with me!!! xo

New workout challenge #29daysofIWill

Lately, I have been posting a daily work out photo on Instagram and Facebook. Because of these daily work out photos, I have gotten a lot of questions and comments from curious followers wondering what this new challenge is.

Let me start out by saying I am not an Under Armour ambassador or work for Under Armour in any way. I am simply an athlete who loves Under Armour and is a part of the Under Armour fitness community, What’s Beautiful. Along with the motivation and support this community gives me, there is also a new challenge called 29 Days of I Will. This is how it works…

Set up a profile page on What’s Beautiful. Every day for 29 days one of the Under Armour ambassadors will announce a new workout challenge that you will complete. You can find this workout video and/or photo on What’s Beautiful, but also on Instagram. You will then take a photo or video of yourself completing the workout challenge. Post this photo/video on Instagram using #29daysofiwill. Also post it on your Whats Beautiful profile. To see other athletes completing the challenges too you can search #29daysofiwill.

I have been doing these workout challenges in addition to my other workout routine. Some days I simply can’t fit it in at the same time of my other workout routine so it forces me to do night workouts. What I love most about these challenges is that they get me out of my comfort zone and get me to try new things that I would have never considered trying.

Day 1


Day 2


Day 3
Today was all about suicides. I haven’t done suicides since I was on the tennis team in high school. I remember hating them. But surprisingly this time I found them really fun. I did 3 tennis courts worth. And plan on hitting the tennis courts more often.


Day 4
Today was a pool workout. 5 50 meter laps. After each 50 meters do 10 dips and 10 push ups adding 10 more reps after each lap. Example lap 3 would have you do 30 dips and 30 push ups. I didn’t have a pool so I substituted laps in the pool with laps around the track. I went to the local high school’s track and surprisingly it was really busy. I was happy about this because I love being surrounded by other runners. It was definitely a different vibe from the trail, but it was a good vibe. There was also a local running club there too doing track work outs. I have always wanted to hit up the track but just never got to it. I am thankful I finally got there and look forward to doing more track work outs. I was also lucky it was a warm night in December and I was able to wear shorts.


Day 5
Today I learned a new Yoga Pose called Fallen Triangle! I love this pose.


Day 6
Was to sign up for something you have never tried before. I am still deciding on what this will be so I skipped this day. I promise I will get back to this.

Day 7
Today was a circuit workout.


So this is what I have done so far. Today is day 13 for this challenge. So as you can see I have some major catching up to do. Hopefully, I’ll get caught up soon. The one negative thing about this challenge is that I am a morning runner and do most of my workouts in the morning before work. Unfortunately, the ambassadors post the daily challenge mid morning. This does not work for me because I like to plan my work outs the night before. Other than that it is fun to learn new yoga poses and workouts to include with my runs and current weight lifting plan. It’s not to late. Check out this challenge!!

Do you use social media to learn new workouts and find inspiration and support?

Marathon Training Update: My Garmin has become Running Buddy.


I love my Garmin!! This Garmin has been the best present my boyfriend has ever bought me.  I have the Forerunner 50 – which is the oldest of all the Garmins. Sooo old that most people have never heard of it. This watch has been with me for all of my training runs and races for the last 5 years. It tracks my pace, distance, cadence, heart rate, and calories burned. But what I find most amazing about using a Garmin watch is that you get to also use the  Garmin Connect Calender.

With this feature, I am able to analyze all of my current runs, but I also get to look back on all of the runs I have ever recorded. This has been extremely helpful. The last time I ran the Marine Corps Marathon was in 2010. During this training, when I have felt unsure about my progress, I am able to go back to 2010 with the click of a button and compare my runs.

“It had gotten to hot even for the desert rat, Rick Miller, so Dusty joined me and ran me up the next 10 miles. “You da man, Yeah brotha’, that’s how you do it, Jurker, hell yeah!” the Dust Ball hollered.”

The above quote is from the book Eat and Run, by Scott Jurek. Scott Jurek wouldn’t be the runner he is today, with out his best friend Dusty. The relationship between Dusty and Scott is by far my favorite part of the book. Dusty was there by Scott’s side, through almost all of his ultra runs. And although I wish I had a Dusty, the reality is… I don’t, so my Garmin has become my running buddy.

So far during this marathon training season, I have been running solo.  Sometimes when you are running by yourself it is hard to judge if you are running your best, especially considering that last year and up to this point, I have had a running buddy. However, in 2010 I ran every training run by myself, and ended up having a very successful marathon.

I did it then, I can do it now.

Questions for You…

  1. Do you run with a Garmin? If not what do you use to record your runs?
  2. Do you have a running buddy? or do you prefer to run solo?
  3. Have you trained for a race by yourself?

© 2013 sweatdaily

Never forget you are a Newbie…

It doesn’t matter if you have been running for 20 years.
It doesn’t matter if you have run a Marathon in every state.
It doesn’t matter if you are Kara Goucher.

Never forget you are a newbie. The reason why I say this, is because the minute you forget, is the minute running will become boring.

As a runner I know that my daily runs can differ from one day to the next. Running on different trails can be exciting. The best way to tour a new city and experience a new place is by running through it. Even wearing different running shoes in my weekly shoe rotation can work different muscles and essentially give me a whole different running experience.

The running community in itself, does an amazing job coming up with new and different races to try. To name a few- The Color Run, The Glow Run, The Undie Run, The Zombie Run, Mud Runs, Spartan Runs. Stop right now if you are getting snooty. These races are fun, and a wonderful idea.  Although most of these races are shorter distances and untimed, they give you an opportunity to have a less intense race to run with friends that may be new to running. This gives you the chance to mentally and physically take a break, while it gives a non runner the chance to try running in a less competitive atmosphere. If a non runner runs one of these fun runs and loves it, they most likely will have a desire to set a higher goal and try a more serious race – transforming from a non runner into a runner.

But running one of these fun runs is not your only option. Stay refreshed and keep running new, by switching things up and setting new goals. Here are some suggestions…

If you are a road runner, try trail running. Maybe you have run the same marathon 3 times, next time you run it try running it using a different training plan. If you always wear traditional running shoes, throw a natural barefoot running shoe into the mix, maybe even use that shoe for your next race. Set a new running challenge, such as run everyday for 30 days, or run 100 miles in one month.

Whatever it may be… Keep running NEW and FUN, and …

Always remember, YOU ARE A NEWBIE!9236dea615788ff6986e504a0889acbc

Questions for You…

  1. What are some things you do to keep running fun and new?
  2. Have you ever run a fun run?
  3. What was your first race?

© 2013 sweatdaily

Supplement – Jack3D/DMAA, causes DEATH.

About a month ago NBC’s Rock Center did a report on the supplement Jack3d and its deadly side effects.

What makes this pre-workout supplement different from the rest is the ingredient dimethylamylamine – or DMAA.  Users claim that DMAA found in Jack3d, is the ingredient that gives them that extra energy burst which they believe takes them to that next level. However, DMAA is also the dangerous deadly ingredient that the FDA says is illegal.  It’s side effect are rapid heartbeat, anxiety, depression, death, etc.

DMAA has been banned in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and six other countries, but not yet in the USA.  However, professional and olympic athletes are prohibited to use it. And after two military soldiers died because of using this product, the U.S. Military now prohibits the sale of DMAA on all bases.

Supplements can easily gain a cult like following, but it is important to know that they are not closely regulated. The FDA does not approve any supplements, however because of the danger that Jack3d holds, they have issued a warning about the danger deadly side effects that this product causes. Also the Council of Responsible Nutrition is working on notifying all manufactures to stop producing products with the ingredient DMAA.

I watched the NBC Rock Center News episode about Jack3d, but it wasn’t until conversations stirred up on Instagram that I decided the importance of writing this post.

It stared with a Instagram video, posted by a girl who is prepping for her first fitness bikini competition. She slurped down Jack3d before her workout. One woman commented,”Dude, heard that shit is dangerous. Scares me big time. Be careful.” I also commented, informing her that it had caused heart complications that led to the death of a perfectly young healthy guy. I gave her the link to the story that Rock Center reported, so she could read the article and see for herself. Another, person responded to my comment saying, ” ppl have died from a lot of things. Shit works and is effective. lol.”


To me this is not a joking matter. Taking harmful supplements is not worth the risk. It is important for people to remember the point of working out is to be a healthy fit person. Taking supplements because, “that shit works,” or “it’s effective,” when your life and health is being jeopardized, because you think your results/progress will happen faster, is beyond obsessive. Do the hard work, fuel your body with healthy clean food, and in time you will see change.




I later posted a pic on my personal Instagram with the link to the Rock Center article reporting on the deadly supplement.

One guy commented on the post, about his experience with the supplement, and how it put him in hospital. He later posted a picture of his hospital bracelet.









All my information found on Jack3d is from the Rock Center News episode, and report.

Please be healthy and fit. And although, some supplements can improve one’s health. Remember… use them with good judgement. I try to eat as clean as I can, and as balanced as I can. I try my hardest to get all my nutritional needs from the food I eat. A fitness journal app can be helpful to make sure you are eating balanced. Without it you may be getting too much of one thing, without even knowing it.

When it comes to supplements, I do take a multivitamin, Omega 3s, BCAAs, B12, Protein Powder, D3, and a probiotic. Please consult your doctor, before taking any supplements. I personally stay away from, anything unnatural, including energy drinks and fat burners.

Questions for You:

  1. What supplements do you take?
  2. Have you used Jack3d?
  3. Have you had any bad dangerous side effects to supplements.

© 2013 sweatdaily



Firedaughter Clothing- tees for women who are too fabulous to wear! tees

So my last post was all about being a fashionista and the importance of having the proper gear for whatever sport you participate in. The right clothing/gear will not only improve your game, but also bring you confidence.

With that being said… I want to share with you my new favorite workout clothing company, Firedaughter Clothing.

Firedaughter Clothing is a company on etsy that makes tees for women who are too fabulous to wear tees. My favorite thing about this company is the fun, creative, motivational phrases found on each piece. Finding the perfect tee/tank, that you can totally relate to, wont take long. There is a color, size, and phrase for everyone.

One of my favorite shirts is the one that says, Eat Clean Train Dirty!

eat clean train dirty


And… here is a picture of me wearing the tank! Progress Pic. Keep in mind I just completed week 8 of the Livefit trainer. 

train dirtyAnd look at those guns… haha. Thanks to the Livefit Trainer!

Livefit trainer update…

I have always had a weak skinny arms, shoulders, upper body, which always looked out of proportion compared to my strong running legs. But thanks to the Livefit trainer, I have now developed some major strength in my upper body. I love feeling stronger and looking more toned. Tomorrow will be day 57, my first day in phase 3. I am really excited because in phase 3 there are some changes to the program. This is no longer a phase focused on building muscle, but rather one focused on burning fat! I also am going to be paying even closer attention to clean eating. In a week I will be carb cycling! Can’t wait!! I love a challenge!

© 2013 sweatdaily