I Challenge you to…

Hey lovelies,

I have been feeling pretty amazing lately…

Because of you, I have never been so inspired.

Because of my hard work, I have never seen so much progress.

The What’s Beautiful Competition has exposed me to some amazing female athletes, who are setting goals, and reaching them. Because of this I am finding myself feeling more organized, and pushing myself to my fullest potential.

The Livefit trainer has done this for me as well. Although, it is not customized to the individual, (the exercises were hard, intense actually,) but it has made things easy. With out this plan, I would have been totally lost not knowing what to do in the weight room, but instead every exercise and meal was laid out for me with directions and videos. I have been amazed with how much I have learned about lifting heavy, circuit training, heart rate, eating clean, macros, supplements, etc.

I now more than ever, want to become certified in personal training, and sports nutrition. (This is something I have thought about for a very long time, but now I am going to do it.)

I have inspired J and L – they both want to complete phases 2 and 3.  So I have decided to repeat Phases 2 and 3 of the Livefit trainer. This time I am going to focus a little closer on eating clean.

This week L and I hit the weight room and started the first week of phase 2. I have realized that this is going to be quite interesting. By repeating these phases I  am getting the opportunity to really see my progress, because I am lifting heavier than ever. I am setting new PRs on most exercises. When I first started lifting I was using 5-10 lb dumbbells and a 20 lb bar, now I am using 15-20 lb dumbbells and 40 lb bar. I am much stronger then I use to be.


Another thing I am setting new PRs in is my running. Because of my new strength I am also running further and faster.

Also, because of the What’s Beautiful competition I am learning new things like how to use the TRX for planks and push ups. And because the What’s Beautiful competition is all about challenges – I will leave you with this challenge. How many push ups can you do in 1 minute?


263229_10101135950428286_874631665_n-1See how many I can do by checking out my video on YouTube.

Good Luck on the challenge! And make sure you let me know how you do!

How many push ups can you do?

© 2013 sweatdaily


To the Running Community: I have a secret to share…

This blog has a lot of purposes… but one of the ultimate reasons why it exists is so I can share information with you.

So I have a secret to share with you…

Something NEW is happening in the running community starting June 1st.

Something HUGE… and  guess what? YOU can be apart of it.


We are runners. We change our shoes on average every 400 miles, some sooner if they are natural barefoot running shoes. What do you do with your old running shoes? Most end up in the trash and then a landfill, where it could take up to 100 years for those shoes to biodegrade.


Well this no longer has to be the case.  Instead you have a better option then throwing out your old running shoes. You now have the amazing opportunity to donate them to Kindrunner.

So let me introduce you…




Kindrunner.com is scheduled to launch in the US marketplace June 1st. (Yep, that is right, you are the first to know!) It is the only place on the web where you can donate your retired running shoes, along with all the shoe packaging materials  – this helps lower the running community’s impact on the environment.

Kindrunner makes it easy, by covering all shipping costs, recycling all shipping materials, repurposing footwear, and donating them to Soles 4 Souls and/or the More Foundation Group. You receive Kindness Cash Rewards for every pair of shoes donated, and your shoes find a new home with someone who desperately needs them. 947119_380598015382612_1792782895_n

Kindrunner.com also is your new online informative platform.  Along with bettering the environment they want to better you, as a runner. With the focus on expert shoe fitting and product guidance online, they are offering the best performing and highest rated running products, including Newton, Saucony, Brooks, Mizuno, Asics, Innov-8, and  Pearl Izumi. Yes, thats right, they have Newtons!!

A little note from Kindrunner…

“We stretch a single carbon foot print to its maximum potential. We believe that thoughtful and educated runners all over the country will relate to our movement and want to be a Kindrunner.”

If this is you, and you want to be a Kindrunner…

Start by visiting their initial homage,  www.kindrunner.com , and enter the”Win Free Running Shoes for a Year!” contest.  If you and a running partner both register (just enter your email address and confirm it’s yours) you both are signed up to win. If either one of you is selected to win the contest both of you will win free running shoes for a whole year (three pairs each!).”

Find more information about kindrunner on their facebook page.

Also check them out on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.


Questions for You?
  1. What do you do with your old running shoes?
  2. Do you want to be a Kindrunner?

© 2013 sweatdaily

*Most pictures are by Kindrunner.

I’m in love with ALEX AND ANI…

I’m in love…


With the exception of wearing my Garmin when I run, I use to never wear anything on my wrists. Two years ago, I bought my first Michael Kors oversize boyfriend watch in rose gold. I loved it so much that I rarely went a day with out it (being a hairstylist this kept me on time for all of my clients.)

A couple years ago my sister became pretty obsessed with Pandora. I love the idea of wearing a charm bracelet, but never took the plunge – those Pandora charms can be really pricey.

Being introduced to ALEX AND ANI…

I was first introduced to ALEX AND ANI from E who had received it as a gift. Later, on Instagram my cousin has posted a pic of her ALEX AND ANI collection. I was really loving the way ALEX AND ANI looked, and the idea behind it as well.

The day we first met…

Back in April, while heading down to the GT waterfront, for the NWM expo, I noticed ALEX AND ANI, located on M street. I told L, that after the expo we have to take a mandatory stop at ALEX AND ANI. L wears tons of bracelets and I knew she would fall in love too.


ALEX AND ANI is a company that sells charm bracelets. However, these are different from you traditional charm bracelet. Instead of having a bracelet that you had charms to, ALEX AND ANI are bracelets that have a charm on them already. You never add more charms to the bracelet, but rather buy another whole bracelet with another different charm. The idea is to have a collection of bracelets that end up being charm bangles. They come in silver or gold. You can choose to have all silver, all gold, or a mixture of both. Each charm represents the vibe or energy you give off, and helps reveal your true identity. They have a variety of different charms, including tons of yoga inspired charms.

So below are the ALEX AND ANI I have…

Alex and Ani

Alex and Ani 2

Sometimes I wear all of them. Sometimes I switch up the order. The possibilities are endless.

This brand being from New England, now has 2 locations in the DC area. One is located on M street in GT, the other in National Harbor.

Questions fro You…

  1. What brand do you love?
  2. What accessory do you wear everyday?
  3. Do you have any ALEX AND ANI?

© 2013 sweatdaily

I am a runner, and you are too.


I am a runner and have been now for 6 years.

Over these years, I have learned, that runners come in variety.

Some run fast, some slow.

Some run 5ks, while others run marathons.

Some run to PR.

Some run to BQ.

Some run in honor of someone else.

Some run barefoot.

Some run on trails.

Some run races, others run everyday.

Some run at night, others in the morning.

Some prefer hills, others prefer flat.

Some run to make a point, raising money for a cause.

If you run, you are a runner…

What kind of runner are you?

© sweatdaily 2013

Planking- while hanging from the Ceiling!

Hi Lovelies,

If you’ve read my previous post, you should know that I am participating in the Under Armour What’s Beautiful Competition. If you haven’t joined yet, register NOW… you will not be disappointed!  The three participants who tell the most epic journey wins a trip to Costa Rica for surf and yoga lessons. That would be totally awesome if I won ( I mean anything is possible,) however, at this moment I am not even thinking about the winning prize. Instead, I am using the What’s Beautiful community to find inspiration and learn new things.

One of the knew things I have discovered is the TRX. And this is how…

While searching for inspiration, for something new and different. I noticed that everyone has been doing different types of planks and setting new PRs. Why? Because there has been a plank challenge going on among the What’s Beautiful community.  Because I love challenges, I had to get in on this one.

I came across the most fabulous plank done by Veronica D. This plank was by far was the most new, different, unique, creative plank I had ever seen. She was planking while hanging from a TRX.

I had seen a TRX before, but never used it. Turns out this morning at my gym, I saw one hanging from the ceiling. I immediately wanted to play on it. So here I am doing my plank using the TRX.


I also posted a video of me doing this plank to my What’s Beautiful profile. And this plank video is my first video I uploaded to youtube. So head over there and check it out! BTW I held this plank for over a minute. My planks are getting stronger and stronger. Practice makes perfect.

In the end, I love finding new and different ways to accomplish old exercises. Shocking your body and switching things up is the best way to strengthen and get results. I can’t wait to get on the TRX again.

Questions for You…

  1. Have you used the TRX?
  2. What is your favorite most creative way to plank?
  3. What is you plank PR? How long can you hold it for?

© sweatdaily 2013

Want to be inspired? Join Under Armour What’s Beautiful 3.0 campaign

The Artist is the Creator of beautiful things.” – Oscar Wilde.

… and this is true, but so is the athlete.


Under Armour is doing something beautiful. They have created the Under Armour What’s Beautiful 3.0 campaign/competition… and guess what? You can be a part it!

whats beautiful

The Details 

Under Armour wants you to define What’s beautiful. They want you to define what it means to be the ultimate female athlete. They have created this competition so you can set goals and show the world how you accomplish them. Become a Goal Setter. Have a game plan. Accomplish the unthinkable. Because the unthinkable is possible. Why? Because you are beautiful. You are an athlete. You can and will.

Step to Join

  1. Go to http://whatsbeautiful.ua.com
  2. Create a user name and password.
  3. Upload a photo to your newly created profile page.
  4. Write a short paragraph declaring your goals.
  5. To share your journey upload photos and videos of your progress, accomplishing and achieving each goal.
  6. Also share your photos on Instagram. Hashtag photos using #Iwill #whatsbeautiful
  7. To keep me inspired and motivated and connected to your progress and success, tag me on Instagram @dorseyml

The Prize

By mid July, Under Armour will choose three women, who went above and beyond, and send them to Costa Rica for yoga and surf lessons. But along the way, through out this competition, Under Armour will be giving away swag weekly.

What I have learned since joining What’s Beautiful…

This has become more than a competition it has become a community of women, empowering each other. Through this competition, I am able to connect with people and share my knowledge while motivating others. In return I continue to be inspired, and learn new things regarding health and fitness.


So join today. Click here to see my profile page, and follow me, and I’ll follow you back!

Don’t Forget...

Also when you record progress, successfully accomplish a goal or complete a challenge, not only upload your photo to your profile page with in the What’s Beautiful community, but also to Instagram. So I can stay inspired and motivated, please tag me, @dorseyml. Also use hashtags #Iwill #whatsbeautiful.

I am excited for all of you to join! Can’t wait to share knowledge, inspire, and motivate each other. Lets do this Ladies!! Lets kick some serious Ass!!

Questions for You…

  1. What inspires you?
  2. Are you going to join What’s Beautiful?  let me know so I can follow your journey!!

© 2013 sweatdaily

My favorite kind of running…

971127_10101120647779916_445663003_nDC is definitely a place cool enough to consider as a Rave Run.

I use to never bring my phone with me when I went out for a run, but ever since I got an iPhone, I can’t resist when I am running – I have to take a photo of my view.

Today, I woke up at 6:00 am and hit the trail by 6:30. I was able to get this shot, of the sun hitting the potomac. It is times like this that I am so thankful I have become a morning runner.

Soon after I had completed my morning run, the clouds rolled in and it began to storm. If I had slept in I would have missed out on not only the view but simply the opportunity to run.

© 2013 sweatdaily

Transformation Tuesday

There are a lot of different themes on Instagram. To name a few, there is Throwback Thursday aka TBT, or on Friday, Flex Friday. All of the themes on Instagram are really fun to participate in.  However, out of all of them Transformation Tuesday is my favorite.

I love Transformation Tuesday because this theme is the most inspiring. It is extremely motivating seeing people’s transformations. How far they have come. How much weight they have lost. How much muscle they have gained. It is the ultimate proof, that if you make a lifestyle change of eating clean organic food and dedicate time to training hard, you will see results.

Because you are seeing yourself every day, sometimes it is hard to notice the positive change. I find it helpful to take progress pics and I label them with the date they were taken, that way I can really compare, and appreciate my hard work.

So here it is my progress pic, my Transformation Tuesday. transformation tuesday

I am hoping my progress pics will inspire you, as much as other people’s have inspired me.

I also came across this amazing blog post,

This Trendy “Strong is the New Skinny” Thing (and what it could mean for the next generation of girls).

This is a must read so click here and read it now. It basically talks about the American tragedy of how and why a large majority of young girls spend their time obsessing over their weight.  Devoting endless hours, energy, emotions, and effort into being skinny.

This is my favorite pic from the blog.

This is my favorite pic from the blog.

The author claims that her new goal has changed from “be a size zero to do a motherfucking pull up.”


254cc5b92387a31c8da38770cacaa81dIn the blog post she reveals how painfully awful it was to be 104 pounds- all skin and bones, and how amazing she feels now strong and fit.  Wishing someone would have told her sooner that Strong is the new Skinny, she is now trying to encourage girls to be strong, fit, healthy.

I love everything about this post and honestly couldn’t agree more – Strong is the new Skinny! And as you can tell from my progress pic, I was never fat, trying to loose weight, but rather I was just skinny, scrawny, (even though I was running everyday) Now, after adding weight lifting to the mix, I not only look stronger, but I actually am…

oh and p.s. I can do a motherfucking pull up. 










© 2013 sweatdaily

Circuit Training… The low down.



It is rise and grind time baby! 

Lets do this!

Circuit Training

I am now on day 71 of Jamie Eason’s Livefit trainer! Today’s workout is Circuit Training.  Circuit training is something we have all heard of, but what is it exactly?? In this circuit, I completed 20 reps for every exercise back to back, without rest, for a total of 140 consecutive reps. Then I rested 3 minutes between each circuit and then repeated the full circuit 2 more times.

For these circuits, I did not lift heavy, because circuit training is not about building muscle. In these circuits I used the weight that was heaviest, while still being able to complete the full 20 reps for each exercise, 140 consecutive reps for the circuit.


Confession: I loved this circuit. I also love how I am really seeing results. However, honestly, I have been having a hard time fitting in my Cardio sessions.

New Goal: I am definitely going to start waking up earlier (6:30 am) and getting to the gym at least 30 mins earlier than I have been.

Questions for You…

  1. What is your favorite way to lift weights? supersets? active rest periods? circuit training
  2. Have you tried circuit training before?

Try this Circuit and let me know what you think??

© 2013 sweatdaily



Do you remember that day when you became “a runner”?

Runners come in all shapes and sizes, really the variety is endless. And after running the Nike Women’s Half Marathon, this idea, became true to me more than ever.

Do you remember the day when you became “a runner”?

Running has always been a part of my life, because my Dad is a marathon runner. Every year he would run Marine Corps Marathon, and we would go along the race course to cheer him on. We made our traditional sign, that said, “Go Papa, GO!” It was a simple poster board, taped to a yard stick ruler.

Growing up, I played tons of sports. I pretty much tried them all, but wasn’t necessarily good at all of them. In high school, I played tennis on my school’s team. As a tennis player, the only running we did, were “suicides” on the court. This consisted of sprinting to and from the different lines on the court. The idea was to quicken our step and improve our footwork. And although, I played tennis all year, I tried track during the winter, thinking it would be a good sport to keep me conditioned during my off season. I went to one practice, and decided running wasn’t for me – boy was I wrong.

I began working out at the YMCA when I was a junior in high school. My older sister, E – who is 2 years older than me, came home from college and inspired me to hit the gym with her. My gym sessions consisted of 30 minutes on the elliptical machine. She on the other hand, chose to run on the treadmill. A couple times of week, I would do additional cardio on the stationary bike, and sometimes together we would venture out and do a couple of the weight machines. It is funny how people grow and change.  (Now I am a marathon runner, in love with lifting heavy preferably free weights.)

Meanwhile my little sister would swim in the pool or play some basketball at the indoor basketball court. My dad, who was a serious marathon runner, had taken on training for triathlons so he too would be lifting weights, or swimming laps. The YMCA became a family outing, that happened several times a week, even my mom lifted weights occasionally.

In 2007, my sister, E, decided to sign up for her first half marathon, the Virginia Beach Rock N Roll Half Marathon. She would train during the brutally hot summer, with her friend Jen, and they would run it on Labor Day weekend. It was then that she became a “real” runner. She retired her sneakers, for real running shoes, that were fitted for her at a local running store. She realized that Soffe gym shorts and cotton t-shirts made her chafe and the wrong socks gave her blisters. She discovered body glide, and jelly belly sports beans. And she taught me all of this.

Soon I became intrigued. I on the other hand, had switched gyms from the good old YMCA to Washington Sports Club. While enrolling for my membership I got a personal trainer for 5 sessions. She switched me from the elliptical machine to the treadmill.

The treadmill, for me was much harder than the elliptical. I began by warming up for 5 minutes. Then I would do the walk/run method. I would run a mile, and then walk for two minutes, run a mile, walk for two minutes, until I completed a 5K. As time progressed, so did I. Soon I realized I could run 2 miles straight, and no longer needed to walk. Then I cut my warm up time shorter. Then I brought my speed up, so I would be running faster. Soon I was running for the full amount of time. I would bring the incline up to keep my body guessing, and make it feel as much like running outside as I could.

I didn’t last long at Washington Sports Club. A new Golds Gym was opening up across the street and it had a more affordable membership, so I switched. Again I would hit the treadmill. The t-mills at this gym faced the windows so I had a clear view of outside. One day I was on the t-mill looking out the windows, on a beautiful spring day. It dawned on me, “Why am I inside right now, when I could be out there.” That is when I decided, I would never run again on the t-mill, unless it was an extreme weather condition, or I was doing HIIT, (High Intensity Interval Training.) It is actually hard for me to even consider my treadmill runs… real runs.

At this point, E, had been bragging to me about how amazing her half marathon experience was. It was then that I decided, if she can run a half marathon, then I can too. I immediately signed up for Cherry Blossom 10 miler and then the Zooma Half Marathon. Both races went so well, that I couldn’t wait to sign up for my next race. More half marathons, led to a trail half marathon, and then 2 full marathons.

Take time to click on the photos. They are really funny, and full of emotions!

As I ran more races, I began to realize each race definitely has it’s own energy. I find it so interesting how the vibe from one race can be so different from another race’s. It took me running three races around the same lengths, (two 10 milers, and one half marathon), in April to fully understand this.

I use to always get nervous before a race, but now races have become a fun way for me to set a goal, and train hard.  They are the ultimate reason why I can call myself a runner – a marathon runner, who prefers to run long and far.

What kind of runner are you?

© 2013 sweatdaily