We’re back on!

On Tuesday, there was tons of chatter that because of the government shutdown the Marine Corps Marathon was in jeopardy of being canceled.

The organizers made a statement on their Facebook page saying they were exploring other possibilities. However, because of the large size (30,000 runners) of the race, and the fact that the long distance would be ran mainly on federal land it would be difficult to come up with an alternative route.

Last year, I understood the reason for canceling the New York City Marathon. Sandy caused devastation to the city and if the marathon went on it would have brought more chaos to an already chaotic city. But on Tuesday, I also understood the feeling of disappointment the participants of the New York City Marathon must have felt, that day. Because on tuesday, when hearing that the race I am registered to run, the Marine Corps Marathon, was in jeopardy of being canceled I began to panic. I felt angry because no natural disaster was preventing this race to go on, instead our government was. The roads are fine, the race is paid for, volunteers are ready, 30,000 runners have spent their summer preparing to run, some from other places who already have hotel and flight arrangements. I was angry, disappointed, and in panic mode. The Shutdown has gone on long enough.

A funny shirt to possibly wear to the expo or even after the race. They also have tanks. http://www.lookhuman.com/design/32627-i-run-better-than-the-government

A funny shirt to possibly wear to the expo or even after the race. They also have tanks. http://www.lookhuman.com/design/32627-i-run-better-than-the-government

The Marine Corps Marathon organizers promised they would make a final decision by Saturday the 19th, and notify participants the status of the race.

On facebook people were voicing their opinions about what they plan to do if the race is canceled. Some said – we should all show up anyway, 30,000 runners, should just run the course anyway. I know people were just trying to make their point, but just running the race anyway made me feel worse. Hell no, I want my race timed.

So I was thinking of plan B. If MCM was canceled I would register for the Richmond Marathon. Richmond is scheduled for November 16th and registration is still open. Although, Richmond is not as exciting for me as MCM, it is still a timed (Boston Qualifier) 26.2 miles.

But thankfully…

Phew… The government ended the shutdown last night and this morning the Marine Corps Marathon organizers announced the race was back on!

On Instagram:20131017-212711.jpgOn their website:

  • Official Statement regarding the 38th Marine Corps Marathon

A special thank you to MCM and MCM10K participants for your patience during the recent period of uncertainty. It is with great pleasure that the MCM can officially announce we are on. We are SO on. See you at the start line!

A video announcement: Watch here.

So I am excited again. Can’t wait to do the damn thing!

Also, I want to make clear that this is a running blog and that is why I am writing about how the government shutdown has affected the running community. I don’t want to get into politics on here, but I do want to make clear that although running is important to me, it is nothing compared to those that were furloughed. There are bigger and more serious issues going on, that don’t just effect our nation, but effects people globally.

I wasn’t furloughed, but after 16 days of the government being closed, things started to feel weird around here. It was quiet and slow… Because a large amount of the population in the DC area are government employees and military, if they don’t get paid, they feel unstable and don’t buy things – which effects the economy, housing market, etc. When everything is closed, tourist don’t have a reason to come, which also effects the economy. I could go on and on…

In the end, I am happy things are starting to go back to normal around here. I hope everyone who was furloughed had a good first day back to work. 

© 2013 sweatdaily

The rain finally stopped, so I ran 13 miles…

We have had rain everyday this week.

On Friday, it was a complete wash out. I normally love running in the rain, but this was not the type of rain to go play in. This was strong winds, soaking heavy rain drops, and flood warning type of rain. So I skipped my run, and hit the gym pretty hard.


The goal is to keep as much muscle as I can during this marathon training season. Women are normally fearful they will bulk up, but the truth is ladies, it is very hard for women to gain muscle and keep it. Especially when you run long distance. When running long distance, I am talking about marathon and ultra marathon, at certain points during your run, your body is forced to use your muscle as fuel, for energy. During this marathon training season, it has been impossible for me to gain muscle in my upper body at all, and I have lost a little bit, but mostly maintained, my previous gains.

As for my marathon training, today the rain finally stopped… so I went out and ran 13 plus miles. I now am very confident that I am where I need to be in my training. I know this because 13 miles feels as easy as 5. (I hope I don’t jinks myself for writing that last sentence.) But it is true. Today, I even included some serious hills, even one that I will run on race day – everything felt easy, everything felt good. The only downfall is that I am experiencing some blisters. I also am thankful that it was overcast and cooler. Weather really affects me, and plays a huge role how my run ends up being.


This week coming up…

I’m going to continue weight lifting including circuit training and active rest periods in the mix.  I am also going to be doing shorter runs, because I am tapering. I want to continue running hills though. Because just like circuit training and active rest periods, hills build endurance and speed. If I have time, I may also sneak in some HIIT on the treadmill.

Nutrition wise, I need to meal prep, meal prep, meal prep. Clean eating, organic plant based meals is key!

I also want to say, a big CONGRATS to all those who ran the Baltimore Half Marathon or Full Marathon today.

Also Good Luck to all of those who are running the Chicago Marathon tomorrow! Above photos are motivation for you!! You’ll do great!! xx

© 2013 sweatdaily

my first HAIR FACT FRIDAY post.

HAIR FACT: Your fashion magazine is lying to you…

sooo many lies… that I can’t stand to read them anymore.

The other day, my co-worker and I started talking about how much false information is exposed in the pages of some of the most popular highly respected, fashion magazines.

In one of them, there was an article about how one can cut costs on a hair cut. They advised the reader to go to a more expensive senior stylist to get the hair cut of their dreams. But then to save money, go to a cheaper junior stylist, and tell them to just trim following the lines of the cut they already had.

Let me tell you why this does not work. 

First of all let me make this very clear, we are talking about HAIR SALONS, not barber shops, hair cuttery, super clips or anything like that.

So lets get started…

You may be asking what is a senior stylist? A senior stylist is one that has been in the hair industry for a very long time. A senior stylist has years and years of experience, some 30 years or longer.

A junior stylist may be younger and definitely does not have as many years of experience as a senior, but many younger stylists are eager to travel to hair shows and classes. They are the ones that are always determined to know what’s new and hot, always trying to keep up with the trends.

Both are great, professionals!

So back to the magazine article…

If you go to one stylist to get your first hair cut and then go to another stylist to just follow the original cut, it is insulting and impossible. It is insulting because everyone cuts differently, whether it is a senior stylist or a junior stylist, we all have our own creative touch, so please don’t tell us to cut like someone else. Also, we don’t all use the same brand of tools, or products, which is also a major factor.

Also if you have waited more than 4 weeks to get a hair cut it is almost impossible to see what your previous cut is. Hair grows differently depending on your natural hair patterns and hair-line. Also hair is different depending on the seasons. One hair cut that worked amazing for you, in the summer humidity, may not look the same in the dry winter, especially for those that have curls. Another thing to consider is breakage – certain parts of your hair may not grow as fast or may not grow at all, because of breakage. Another factor, to consider is your hair goes through changes, hormones, new medications , etc. can change hair. Your hair may have been at a different state when you got your previous hair cut.  So as you can see, it is not as simple as the fashion magazine claims it to be.

My advice to you is to find a hair stylist you love, who can give your your dream hair cut in any season, and stay loyal to her. The better your stylist knows you, the easier it is for her to cut and color your hair. The more your stylist sees you, the more familiar she becomes with your hair and life style. The more you see your stylist the easier it is to speak the same language. The longer you see your stylist the more life changes she gets to experience with you… weddings, baby, etc. When life changes, hair changes.

When it comes to fashion magazines, hair stylists are not writing articles on hair,  journalists are… and when it comes to advising you on products to purchase, they are just advertising for the products that pay them to- so when in doubt ask your hair stylist.

Bottom line, for your best hair days, stay loyal to your hair stylist and use fashion magazines to seek inspiration not information.

Stay loyal to your hair stylist and  I promise you…


To all my very loyal clients. Thank You!

© 2013 sweatdaily

Hair Fact Friday!

As you all may know, besides being a clean eating, marathon running, fitness addict, I am also a licensed hair stylist by profession.

I have always had the desire to write about hair. But I have avoided the idea because I wanted to keep my blog strictly about nutrition and fitness. And although this blog will be mostly about running, nutrition, and fitness. I can’t fight the urge any longer. I am beyond annoyed, I am fed up. I have to share my hair knowledge with you, because there is way too much false info out there.

I love you, and you more than anyone deserve to know the truth. So for now on I will be writing one hair post a week, on this blog, to expose hair lies and clear up any confusion you may have about your hair. My hair posts will be uploaded on Friday, and it will be called Hair Fact Friday!

I hope you enjoy these Hair Fact Friday posts… and feel free to personally e-mail me at sweat1xdaily@gmail.com if you have any hair questions you would like me to address on the blog or comment below.

© 2013 sweatdaily

Running on Martha’s Vineyard

So now that you all have heard my exciting news– that happened on Martha’s Vineyard. It is time to reveal to you some of my favorite places to run on the Island.


East Chop, located in Oak Bluff, is by far one of my favorite places to run. It is about a four mile run, two miles down hill, turn around, two miles up hill.
However, you can make your run as long or short as you want.

On this vacation I ran East Chop a couple times. I did a 10k by adding an extra two miles easily. After running down East Chop I made a right heading towards Vineyard Haven, then turned around after I ran the bridge. During this run, I felt amazing. It is crazy what a difference cooler weather can be.

Now the reason why I love running East Chop is because the scenery is breath taking. You get the opportunity to run right along the water. You are so close to the ocean that you can hear waves crashing. Most days there is an ocean breeze.

Also the beach houses along East Chop are beautiful and full of character. Although, there is also the famous East Chop light house, which gets attention from tourists, this running route is never too crowded. You won’t feel alone, because you most likely will see a few other runners.


Another awesome place to run is the Oak Bluff harbor to Edgartown. Let’s explain. I ran this a couple times. There is a sidewalk that runs along the beach with spectacular views of the water and boats coming in. The harbor leads you to a bike path that takes you to Edgartown. On your way to Edgartown you will pass Jaws Bridge. Jaws Bridge is a fun place to pass because it is the famous bridge people jump off into the water. At this point it has been four miles and a great place to turn around, if you are trying to fit in a nice 8 miler in. The last time I ran this the sky was overcast, on the way back the sun came out. I remember running the last couple miles fast to get home in time to hit the beach.

So if you are looking for fun places to run on Martha’s Vineyard make sure you check out these routes. And while you are at it, jump off the Jaws Bridge!!

Where is your all time favorite place to run? Have you run on Martha’s Vineyard?

© 2013 sweatdaily

Mermaid Farm – Raw Milk, Yogurt, Mango Lassi


This is Mermaid Farm located on Martha’s Vineyard. If you are looking for fresh raw milk on the Island, this is where you get it. They also have yogurt and mango lassi. Yum! You don’t have to call for an appointment. When it comes to payment they are on the honor system. That way you can get what you need, when you need it.


The idea that fat free milk is healthy for you is a myth. During processing they remove all fat and replace it with sugar/chemicals. They add 12 grams of sugar per cup to make it taste good. The American Heart Association suggests no more than 30 grams of added sugar a day. One cup of fat free milk is almost half of your added sugar intake. I don’t drink milk, but if I was going to, Raw Milk is the way to go.

Mango is one of my all time favorite summer fruit. Mango Lassi is a popular traditional yogurt drink from India. Here on the Island you can find fresh home made Mango Lassi at Mermaid Farm.

I am so glad I had the opportunity to try this, because now I am inspired to make it at home on a regular basis. I also think it would be a delicious base to my vanilla Vega Sport Protein powder.

Fall is right around the corner so it is time to squeeze in some last minute, end of the season juicing and Mango Lassi making, while the produce is still fresh and in season.

Anyway, if you are on the Island, Mermaid Farm is definitely worth the quick stop. So check it out. It only takes five minutes to grab what you need.

How do you drink your milk? Do you think dairy is healthy?

Marathon Update! Getting back on track.

As you all may know, I am running MCM! Although, I am really excited and craving some serious long distance milage, the beginning of my Marathon training has not really been as disciplined as I would have liked it to be.

But that is OK! No biggie, because this week I finally feel like I am starting to get back on track.

What exactly side tracked me?



A Bad Cold.

Being Side Tracked


The first couple weeks of Marathon training is very low easy mileage. My fitness level is beyond this easy mileage, however my body in the beginning of training was not accustomed to the summer’s hot, humid, weather. So I became very grateful for the shorter, easier, lower mileage weeks.



Right when I began to feel comfortable in the heat, I left for a week of travel. I went to Vegas for work, but also went early to play. I will admit, I played a little too hard. I stayed out late and didn’t get the sleep I needed. I did squeeze in three different workouts, but it wasn’t necessarily following the marathon training plan.


Then I came home excited to get back to training, but woke up Monday morning with a really bad cold. I never thought a cold would make me feel this tired. I have been congested which made it hard to breath. I felt choked by my cough.


Getting back on Track

I’m not too worried, because it is still early in my training. I’m glad all of this happened early on, instead of later. Even though, I still am getting over my cold, after 5 days of rest, on Friday, I  started running again. All of my runs have been pretty good, I am just hoping that once I can breath again my runs will feel easy. I have also been extremely blessed with some color less humid days, which I have been taking advantage of. The one thing that I have been really craving is some heavy lifting sessions and some HIIT at the gym. However, because I still have a cold I have been avoiding the gym. I’m not contagious anymore, but I still don’t want to take the risk and get anyone else sick. I have a feeling, that once I am 100% better I will have enough energy to do some 2 a days.  :)

Question for You…

  1. Who else is running a Marathon?? Let me know, I am having tons of fun reading about everyones’ experiences with their marathon training.
  2. Have you ever been side tracked durning training?
  3. Would you ever run a marathon with a cold?

© 2013 sweatdaily

BB Cream vs. Tinted Moisturizer

Warning: This has nothing to do with running, lifting, yoga, or eating clean. So if you stopped by to read about any of these things, I apologize.

So let me tell you a story…

Several months ago, I witnessed my co-worker applying her make up in the back room, before she started her work day. This co-worker of mine is a beautiful mixed Korean American. She began her make up routine, by quickly smearing a mixture on her face. At the time, I though it was her foundation. This mixture was extremely white, I even remember commenting to her that I thought it was too light for her skin tone. She told me – nope, it appears white but then oxidizes to match her true skin tone. She told me her mother got it for her from Korea, and that it isn’t a foundation, but rather a multitasking skin corrector. Little did I know, that at the time, she was showing me a BB Cream from Korea.

s870337-main-heroFor about a decade now I have been using Laura Mercier’s Tinted Moisturizer. I absolutely love this product. I have tried others and nothing compares. However, lately everyone is talking about BB Cream. So I did my research, then took the plunge and decided to try it too.

So what is a BB Cream exactly? A BB Cream stands for Beauty Balm or Blemish Balm. It is the product that does it all. It has your coverage, your concealer all in one. It has anti aging properties. It has SPF sun protection. It has your moisturizer, your skin corrector, your make up primer. This product corrects and gives you coverage while healing your skin.

250px-Bb_cream_original_from_1960sHow did BB Creams come about? BB Creams were originally created in the 1960s by dermatologist Dr. Christine Schrammek. She needed a product lighter than a foundation, that would heal the skin after treatments, but would also give coverage to her patients who desired flawless skin.

Because porcelain skin is heavily desired, in 1985, BB Creams became the “must have” product in South Korea and Japan. They also are known to have skin whitening properties, and come in one universal shade because most formulas are designed to oxidize to match the user’s skin tone.

Finally in 2012, BB Creams were introduced to the West. Now most cosmetic lines carry a BB Cream. However, the Western brands that have launched BB Creams are being criticized for creating BB Creams that lack skin-caring benefits. Some say because of this, these BB Creams are no different than a Tinted Moisturizer.

s1463231-main-heroI researched a couple different brands. The Dr. Jart brand is one of the most popular BB Cream brands used across Asia and is also available at Sephora. However, I ended up going with Bobbi Brown’s BB Cream. I chose this one to try first, but eventually I plan on trying the Dr. Jart brand as well. What interests me to try Dr Jart’s BB Creams is because they are formulated with out – Sulfates, Synthetic Fragrances, Synthetic Dyes, Petrochemicals, Phthalates, GMOs, and triclosan.

The reason why I chose Bobbi Brown’s BB Cream is because I have always liked s1458496-main-heroBobbi Brown, and I currently use her powder and her bronzer. I also like the fact that her BB Cream formula has…

  • Water-attracting molecules to boost hydration.
  • Light-reflective pearls to brighten dull skin.
  • Botanical extracts and caffeine to reduce discoloration and redness.
  • Pore-refining peptides such as Argireline Peptide to minimize fine lines and fight wrinkles.
  • Broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection with SPF 35 and antioxidants to fend off future damage. (source: sephora.com)

The Bobbi Brown BB Cream vs. Laura Mercier’s Tinted Moisturizer

Both product are equally amazing, and although some may claim that a BB Cream is just another variety of a tinted moisturizer, I disagree. A BB Cream has more skin healing properties, and more coverage compared to a tinted moisturizer.

The Bobbi Brown BB Cream definitely has more coverage while Laura Mercier’s Tinted Moisturizer goes on more sheer, translucent. The Bobbi Brown BB Cream has more of a matte finish while the Laura Mercier’s  Tinted Moisturizer has more of a dewy finish. I finish the Bobbi Brown BB Cream with a layer of powder and powder bronzer. When using the Laura Mercier’s Tinted Moisturizer I normally cocktail a liquid bronzer with it, for more of a sun-kissed look. Bobbi Brown BB Cream has a higher SPF.

What Laura says…

“I created this product because I wanted to give skin a fresh, healthy, no-makeup look with a soft hint of color that evens and enhances without hiding the skin.”—Laura Mercier

What Bobbi says…DownloadedFile-2


So in the end, I like both products. They are just different, and I use one or the other depending on which look I am going for. I will admit, I am very happy with my BB Cream and super glad I took the plunge to try it! You should too…

TIP: You can make your own BB Cream! Check it out this You Tube video!

Questions for You…

  1. Have you tried a BB Cream?
  2. What is your favorite brand of BB Cream?
  3. Have you ever tried to make your own BB Cream?

© 2013 sweatdaily

Running with a Cold…

When I got home from Vegas, last Saturday, I came down with a really bad cold. I think it was a combination of too much partying/lack of sleep in Vegas, and coming in contact with the germs that cause the cold virus.
I feel like I am being really wimpy complaining about having a cold, I mean there are much more severe illnesses out there.  But I haven’t had a cold in a really long time, and I never remembered it being this extreme.
My throat hurt so bad that I went to the doctor thinking it was Strep. My strep test came back negative. So the doctor diagnosed me with the cold virus and sent me on my way.
For several days, I haven’t been able swallow which means no solid food for me. My nose is so congested that I am unable to breathe. With out food or oxygen, I feel low energy and lifeless.
I only took off one day of work, which made my other days insanely busy and long. On both Tuesday and Thursday I worked from 10 until 10.
The lack of food and oxygen, and then the long days at work, made it impossible to run.
When I was in Vegas, I was very worried about my Marathon training. There was no way I was going to take a week off of running and cross-training. I was really proud of myself for squeezing in the three workouts that I did. However, then I came home sick and exhausted. Everyday this week the weather was perfect, low humidity, low 80s. I so badly wanted to run, but also knew that it would be best just to rest and hydrate as much as I could. So that is what I did.
Today actually was my first day back on the trail. My first run since last Saturday morning. I did a short easy 5K. I didn’t want to over do it. I didn’t look at my watch at all. I wasn’t worried about time. I just wanted to feel good running, and although, I am still sick (its the tail end) I did feel good running.
And out of all the beautiful days we had this week, today was by far the prettiest.
66400_10101239781509966_1414965816_nRunning Professionals say you can continue to run and train with any cold that is from the neck above. If the cold spreads to the lungs or chest, it is time to take a rest day.
Questions for you…
  1. Have you run sick before?
  2. Do you have any at home remedies or tips to cure a cold?

© 2013 sweatdaily

Running in Humidity

Of corse the minute I start comparing dry heat to humidity I end up seeing a fabulous article about it in the August issue of Runner’s World. This article has some very interesting facts about running in humidity. Here’s some of the things I found most fascinating…


  • The higher amount of moisture there is in the air the hotter it feels.
  • When you run your body temperature rises it becomes hotter and creates sweat. Sweating is the process when your body carries excess heat to your skins surface. In dry heat this sweat evaporates cooling your over all body temperature. In humid conditions this sweat is unable to evaporate, instead it lingers there, and making you hotter.
  • While running your body temperature can spike in minutes. This causes dehydration. When dehydrated your body goes into survival mode maintaining blood flow to essential organs.
  • Breathing can change.
  • Heart rate will escalate.
  • You may loose control over body mechanics. (Hands may shake, running form may become sloppy.)
  • Mental abilities my start to break down causing dizziness and you may become disoriented.
  • Don’t worry about pace. Your speed is guaranteed to decrease.
  • A humid day does not indicate a lack of fitness or mental toughness.
  • There are different types of sweat. Some people are sweat more salt. For the people who sweat more salt, they are more common to have stomach cramps. It is very important for these types of people to consume more electrolytes.
  • It normally takes 10-14 days to get adjusted to running in humid conditions. Those that are use to humidity run better in it.


  • Hydrate
  • Eat salty foods. Salt helps retain water.
  • Don’t wear a hat. The hat will prevent your body heat from escaping your head.

© 2013 sweatdaily


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